“Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller
Floresville Lions Club Scrapbook
Celebrating Lion Paul for 20+ years
The Floresville Lions Club celebrated Lion Paul Sack for his 20+ years of service to our local community July 18, 2024 during the Lions Thursday meeting.
"We greatly appreciate him and his service and friendship!"
The community bid him farewell as he moves on to the next phase of his life. The Floresville Lions will miss Lion Paul!
Banquet marks 80th anniversary year for Floresville Lions Club
Wilson County News | July 17, 2024
The Floresville Lions Club initiated its 80th anniversary year with an annual awards and installation banquet June 27 at Jack’s Café in Floresville. Lions International Past District Governor Sam Pantusa was the guest speaker for the evening. During his remarks before inducting new members, Lion Pantusa reminisced on what 80 years looked like to the club and the community served.
Honoring Lion Vernor Bippert for his 60 years of service was a highlight of the evening. Lion Bippert’s daughter, Eileen Pelech, was present to accept his Certificate of Appreciation awarded by International President Patti Hill, as well as a 60-year Milestone Chevron Award. Lions Nancy Hosek and Elaine Kolodziej were also recognized for their years of service, with each receiving a Milestone Chevron Award for 30 years.
The following Lions were recognized for their special roles in Lionism:
•Lion of the Year — Lion Oscar Saucedo
•Bob Workman Service Award — Lion Bonnie Sario
•LaJuana Newnam-Leus Life of Service Award — Lion Nancy Hosek
•Outstanding Leadership Award — Lion Marcia Tesauro
“Making a Difference Awards” were awarded to the following Lions — Gloria Duron, Laura Freabe, Lauren Gaudlitz, Kristen Weaver, and Derek Gaudlitz.
Lion President Linna Selby awarded “Distinguished Service Medals” to Juvie Merced, Katelund Petersen, Mary Ann Johnston, Roy Madero, Sylvia Madero, Sejal Patel, Bonna Reed, Gloria Sosa, Anthony Weaver, Carol Dean, Richard Bray, Melissa Grund, Paul Sack, and Jessica Rodriguez-Green.
The following Lions were recognized with “Certificates of Appreciation” — Elaine Kolodziej, Oscar Ahumada, Victor Wade, Rose Labus, Dr. Jason Gilstrap, Michael Schroller, Ben Reed, Faith Gaudlitz, David Bolivar, Ray Lamberth, and Monica Flores.
The evening was concluded with new member installation for Juvie Merced, Katelund Petersen, Stefanie Moore, Carlos Munoz, Brandon Petersen, and Stephen Moore.
Lion Nancy Hosek receives the LaJuana Newnam- Leus Life of Service Award. This award honors the late LaJuana Newnam- Leus, former Floresville Lions Club president and dedicated community volunteer, who passed away in February 2023.
The Floresville Lions Club stays active throughout the year with small and large service projects. To join or learn more, visit www.floresvillelionsclub.org, call 830-391- 9397, or email info@floresvillelionsclub.org.
The Floresville Lions Club initiated its 80th anniversary year with an annual awards and installation banquet June 27 at Jack’s Café in Floresville. Lions International Past District Governor Sam Pantusa was the guest speaker for the evening. During his remarks before inducting new members, Lion Pantusa reminisced on what 80 years looked like to the club and the community served.
Honoring Lion Vernor Bippert for his 60 years of service was a highlight of the evening. Lion Bippert’s daughter, Eileen Pelech, was present to accept his Certificate of Appreciation awarded by International President Patti Hill, as well as a 60-year Milestone Chevron Award.
The following Lions were recognized for their special roles in Lionism:
•Lion of the Year — Lion Oscar Saucedo
•Bob Workman Service Award — Lion Bonnie Sario
•LaJuana Newnam-Leus Life of Service Award — Lion Nancy Hosek
•Outstanding Leadership Award — Lion Marcia Tesauro
“Making a Difference Awards” were awarded to the following Lions — Gloria Duron, Laura Freabe, Lauren Gaudlitz, Kristen Weaver, and Derek Gaudlitz.
Lion President Linna Selby awarded “Distinguished Service Medals” to Juvie Merced, Katelund Petersen, Mary Ann Johnston, Roy Madero, Sylvia Madero, Sejal Patel, Bonna Reed, Gloria Sosa, Anthony Weaver, Carol Dean, Richard Bray, Melissa Grund, Paul Sack, and Jessica Rodriguez-Green.
The following Lions were recognized with “Certificates of Appreciation” — Elaine Kolodziej, Oscar Ahumada, Victor Wade, Rose Labus, Dr. Jason Gilstrap, Michael Schroller, Ben Reed, Faith Gaudlitz, David Bolivar, Ray Lamberth, and Monica Flores.
The evening was concluded with new member installation for Juvie Merced, Katelund Petersen, Stefanie Moore, Carlos Munoz, Brandon Petersen, and Stephen Moore.
Lion Nancy Hosek receives the LaJuana Newnam- Leus Life of Service Award. This award honors the late LaJuana Newnam- Leus, former Floresville Lions Club president and dedicated community volunteer, who passed away in February 2023.
Floresville Lions serve from the heart
By Kristen Kolodziej Weaver
Wilson County News | July 5, 2023
Inspired by the famous quote by Helen Keller, “Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much,” the Floresville Lions Club celebrated another successful year of service with its annual installation and awards banquet June 22.
International Director Ernesto “T.J.” Tijerina and his wife, Juanita, were in attendance, as well as Past District 2-A2 Governor Steve Mays and his wife, Mary Ann, who are members of the La Vernia Lions Club.
Lion Lauren Gaudlitz opened the evening with a prayer remembering Floresville Lions who have recently passed away – Gary Dean, Al Kolodziej, and LaJuana Newnam- Leus. This was followed by the pledge to the U.S. and Texas flags, led by Lion Derek Gaudlitz.
Tijerina led the installation of new members, Jessica Rodriguez-Green and Danielle Flores. Immediate Past President Sejal Patel recognized Floresville Lions with annual awards. The Bob Workman Excellence in Lionism went to Lion Melissa Grund, and Lion Marcia Tesauro was recognized as Lion of the Year.
The newly established LaJuana Newnam-Leus Service Award went to Lion Bonnie Sario.
President Patel also honored the following Lions with a medal for special recognition for going “above and beyond” in service: Gloria Duron, Derek Gaudlitz, Lauren Gaudlitz, Nancy Hosek, Bonna Reed, Tony Weaver, and Linna Selby. Receiving certificates of appreciation for service to the club for their special roles were Oscar Ahumada, Mary Ann Johnston, Roy Madero, Sylvia Madero, Ben Reed, Paul Sack, Oscar Saucedo, Gloria Sosa, Kristen Kolodziej Weaver, and Elaine Kolodziej.
The following officers were sworn in by International Director Tijerina:
•Linna Selby, president
•Lauren Gaudlitz, vice president
•Kristen Kolodziej Weaver, 2nd vice president
•Nancy Hosek, club administrator/ secretary
•Marcia Tesauro, treasurer
•Oscar Saucedo, co-treasurer
•Gloria Sosa, membership director
•Tony Weaver, Lion tamer
•Oscar Ahumada, assistant Lion tamer
•Derek Gaudlitz, tail twister
•Gloria Duron, assistant tail twister.
•Bonnie Sario, 2-year director
•Bonna Reed, 2-year director
•Gloria Duron, 1-year director
•Paul Sack, 1-year director
•Sejal Patel, immediate past president
Following remarks by Tijerina, Patel passed the gavel to Selby. She described her goals for the club in the new year, reminding the club of Helen Keller’s words that still carry forward today — “Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.”
Kristen Kolodziej Weaver is a member of the Floresville Lions Club and is the director of operations for the Wilson County News.
Join the Lions!
The Lions Club vision is to empower Lions clubs, volunteers, and partners to improve health and well-being, strengthen communities, and support those in need through humanitarian services and grants that impact lives globally, and encourage peace and international understanding.
Lions support various causes, including diabetes, vision and hearing, hunger, environment, and childhood cancer.
The Floresville Lions Club stays active throughout the year with small and large service projects.
If you have a heart for serving, the Lions have a place for you.
Learn more at floresvillelionsclub.org, call 830-391- 9397, or email info@floresvillelionsclub.org.
Wilson County News | July 5, 2023
Inspired by the famous quote by Helen Keller, “Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much,” the Floresville Lions Club celebrated another successful year of service with its annual installation and awards banquet June 22.
International Director Ernesto “T.J.” Tijerina and his wife, Juanita, were in attendance, as well as Past District 2-A2 Governor Steve Mays and his wife, Mary Ann, who are members of the La Vernia Lions Club.
Lion Lauren Gaudlitz opened the evening with a prayer remembering Floresville Lions who have recently passed away – Gary Dean, Al Kolodziej, and LaJuana Newnam- Leus. This was followed by the pledge to the U.S. and Texas flags, led by Lion Derek Gaudlitz.
Tijerina led the installation of new members, Jessica Rodriguez-Green and Danielle Flores. Immediate Past President Sejal Patel recognized Floresville Lions with annual awards. The Bob Workman Excellence in Lionism went to Lion Melissa Grund, and Lion Marcia Tesauro was recognized as Lion of the Year.
The newly established LaJuana Newnam-Leus Service Award went to Lion Bonnie Sario.
President Patel also honored the following Lions with a medal for special recognition for going “above and beyond” in service: Gloria Duron, Derek Gaudlitz, Lauren Gaudlitz, Nancy Hosek, Bonna Reed, Tony Weaver, and Linna Selby.
The following officers were sworn in by International Director Tijerina:
•Linna Selby, president
•Lauren Gaudlitz, vice president
•Kristen Kolodziej Weaver, 2nd vice president
•Nancy Hosek, club administrator/ secretary
•Marcia Tesauro, treasurer
•Oscar Saucedo, co-treasurer
•Gloria Sosa, membership director
•Tony Weaver, Lion tamer
•Oscar Ahumada, assistant Lion tamer
•Derek Gaudlitz, tail twister
•Gloria Duron, assistant tail twister.
•Bonnie Sario, 2-year director
•Bonna Reed, 2-year director
•Gloria Duron, 1-year director
•Paul Sack, 1-year director
•Sejal Patel, immediate past president
Following remarks by Tijerina, Patel passed the gavel to Selby. She described her goals for the club in the new year, reminding the club of Helen Keller’s words that still carry forward today — “Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.”
Kristen Kolodziej Weaver is a member of the Floresville Lions Club and is the director of operations for the Wilson County News.
Join the Lions!
The Lions Club vision is to empower Lions clubs, volunteers, and partners to improve health and well-being, strengthen communities, and support those in need through humanitarian services and grants that impact lives globally, and encourage peace and international understanding.
Lions support various causes, including diabetes, vision and hearing, hunger, environment, and childhood cancer.
The Floresville Lions Club stays active throughout the year with small and large service projects.
If you have a heart for serving, the Lions have a place for you.
Learn more at floresvillelionsclub.org, call 830-391- 9397, or email info@floresvillelionsclub.org.

La Vernia Lions Steve and Mary Ann Mays (center) are joined by Floresville Lions Marcia Tesauro, Kristen Kolodziej Weaver, Oscar Ahumada, Nancy Hosek, Linna Selby, Tony Weaver, Lauren Gaudlitz, Sejal Patel, Gloria Duron, and Derek Gaudlitz June 22 at the Floresville Lions Club’s annual banquet.
Lions International District 2-A2 recognizes local Lions
‘Together We Can and Together We Will’
By WCN Staff
Wilson County News | April 25, 2023
The Lions Club International District 2-A2 64th annual convention was held in Kerrville April 14-15.
Saturday night’s banquet included recognition of Herb C. Petry Jr. Hall of Fame inductees and recipients of the M.P. “Mike” Butler Ambassador of Service Award.
Among the local Lions who were recognized were Elaine Kolodziej, Floresville; Past District 2-A2 Governor Juanita “Janie” Garza, Stockdale; Nancy Hosek, Floresville; Mary Ann Mays, La Vernia; District 2-A2 Governor Steve Mays, La Vernia; and Dennis Jupe, Converse.
Awards and recognition were presented by International Director Ernesto “TJ” Tijerina, Past International Director M.P. “Mike” Butler, and District 2-A2 Governor Lion Steve Mays.
Lion Elaine Kolodziej
Lion Elaine Kolodziej was inducted into the District 2-A2, Herb C. Petry Jr. Hall of Fame in 2023.
Lion Elaine entered Lionism in 1994 as a Member of the Floresville Lions Club, where she has remained active for the past 29 years. She has served her club in many officer positions, including Club Director, and First and Second Vice President, being recognized by Lions Clubs International for her leadership ability. Lion Elaine has also, on two occasions, received the coveted President’s Award from the Floresville Lions Club.
Lion Elaine has been a faithful member of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Floresville for over 20 years, serving on the Sacred Heart School Council for a number of those years; prior to that time, she taught CCD at St. Anthony Catholic Church in Elmendorf for almost 20 years.
Lion Elaine has also been very active in community affairs as a respected leader in Floresville and Wilson County. She has served on the board of directors of the Wilson County Economic Development Foundation, the Floresville Economic Development Corp., and Wilson County Historical Society, and served as a member of the Texas Press Association, National Newspaper Association, National Federation of Independent Businesses, Crime Stoppers of Wilson County, Floresville Main Street Program, and the Sister City Project with Dolores Hidalgo, Mexico.
Lion Elaine has the total respect of her community and has been recognized as a Volunteer of the Year by the Texas Community Newspaper Association and Regional Citizen of the Year by the Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG).
Lion Elaine is a true asset to her community. The publisher and owner of the Wilson County News for the past 39 years and the La Vernia News for the past 12 years, she is dedicated to serving her community by providing the news, educating the public, encouraging reading, and supporting numerous organizations like her local Lions Club.
Lion Elaine would be the first to tell you that anything she may have accomplished could not have been done without the support of her fellow club members.
PDG Juanita ‘Janie’ Garza
Past District 2-A2 Governor Lion Juanita “Janie” Garza was inducted into the District 2-A2, Herb C. Petry Jr. Hall of Fame in 2023.
Janie developed her unceasing desire to help others as a young child, when an examination and eyeglasses were provided her by Lions of her community. The desire was further enhanced when she accepted an invitation to become a Texas Lions camper. When she reached the appropriate time and circumstance, she imitated the role modeling of those Lions in 2004, and was sworn into membership of the La Vernia Lions Club. In her effort to expand Lionism, she worked on building a new club in her community, becoming a Charter Member of the Stockdale Lions Club in 2013, where she continues as a Member in Good Standing.
Lion Janie is a remarkable example of Lionistic service and has held offices in the La Vernia Lions Club and the Stockdale Lions Club.
She has performed various leadership and service roles in the District 2-A2 Zone.
Lion Janie also served on the District 2-A2 Lions Sight Research Foundation, Human Needs Board, KidSight Program, and the Children’s Services Program.
She has been a representative for Texas Lions Camp Council and a chair for Multiple District Vision within Multiple District 2, Texas, Council of Governors.
Past District 2-A2 Governor Janie continually demonstrates her passion for heeding Helen Keller’s invitation to the Lions to become “Knights of the Blind,” through her ongoing work and leadership in establishing and fostering programs in the prevention of vision impairment and blindness. Her dedication and knowledge in this arena has prompted State of Texas officials to call on her to advise other groups that wish to engage in these areas of service. Lion Janie led a close-knit team of Lion volunteers to establish the current successor to the District’s KidsSight Program, now known as the Children’s Services Program of District 2-A2.
Lion Janie’s dedication and service have been recognized with many Lions Club awards. Among these are Club Lion of the Year, District 2-A2 Lion of the Year, a Lions Sight Research Foundation Volunteer of the Year and Knight of the Blind Award recipient, numerous District Governor’s Certificates of Appreciation, Lions International Presidential Certificates of Appreciation, International Medal of Merit, the Lions International Presidential Certificate of Achievement, and the International President’s Leadership Medal. In addition to her many hours of service, Lion Janie serves as the primary caregiver to her mother and father. She also served the community in the wake of the Sutherland Springs church shooting in 2017.
Lion Past District 2-A2 Governor Janie Garza is considered one of the most outstanding Lions in District 2-A2.
District 2-A2, Herb C. Petry Jr. Hall of Fame Inductees – Lion Ken Book, SA Region 20; Past District 2-A2 Governor Juanita “Janie” Garza, Stockdale; and Lion Elaine Kolodziej, Floresville
Recipients of the International President Certificate of Appreciation – Lion Abel Martinez, SA Edgewood; Lion Nancy Hosek, Floresville; Lion Debbie Book, SA Region 20; and Lion Mary Ann Mays, La Vernia
Recipients of the International Leadership Medal – Lion Earnest Hamilton, SA Alamo City; Lion Dennis Jupe, Converse; Lion Joe Guerra, SA Edgewood; and Lion Bob Grubb, Converse
Recipients of the International Presidential Award – PDG Janie Garza, Stockdale and Lion Juanita Tijerina, SA First Ladies
District 2-A2 Lion of the Year – PDG Chris Lloyd.
By WCN Staff
Wilson County News | April 25, 2023
The Lions Club International District 2-A2 64th annual convention was held in Kerrville April 14-15.
Saturday night’s banquet included recognition of Herb C. Petry Jr. Hall of Fame inductees and recipients of the M.P. “Mike” Butler Ambassador of Service Award.
Among the local Lions who were recognized were Elaine Kolodziej, Floresville; Past District 2-A2 Governor Juanita “Janie” Garza, Stockdale; Nancy Hosek, Floresville; Mary Ann Mays, La Vernia; District 2-A2 Governor Steve Mays, La Vernia; and Dennis Jupe, Converse.
Awards and recognition were presented by International Director Ernesto “TJ” Tijerina, Past International Director M.P. “Mike” Butler, and District 2-A2 Governor Lion Steve Mays.
Lion Elaine Kolodziej
Lion Elaine Kolodziej was inducted into the District 2-A2, Herb C. Petry Jr. Hall of Fame in 2023.
Lion Elaine entered Lionism in 1994 as a Member of the Floresville Lions Club, where she has remained active for the past 29 years. She has served her club in many officer positions, including Club Director, and First and Second Vice President, being recognized by Lions Clubs International for her leadership ability. Lion Elaine has also, on two occasions, received the coveted President’s Award from the Floresville Lions Club.
Lion Elaine has been a faithful member of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Floresville for over 20 years, serving on the Sacred Heart School Council for a number of those years; prior to that time, she taught CCD at St. Anthony Catholic Church in Elmendorf for almost 20 years.
Lion Elaine has also been very active in community affairs as a respected leader in Floresville and Wilson County. She has served on the board of directors of the Wilson County Economic Development Foundation, the Floresville Economic Development Corp., and Wilson County Historical Society, and served as a member of the Texas Press Association, National Newspaper Association, National Federation of Independent Businesses, Crime Stoppers of Wilson County, Floresville Main Street Program, and the Sister City Project with Dolores Hidalgo, Mexico.
Lion Elaine has the total respect of her community and has been recognized as a Volunteer of the Year by the Texas Community Newspaper Association and Regional Citizen of the Year by the Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG).
Lion Elaine is a true asset to her community. The publisher and owner of the Wilson County News for the past 39 years and the La Vernia News for the past 12 years, she is dedicated to serving her community by providing the news, educating the public, encouraging reading, and supporting numerous organizations like her local Lions Club.
Lion Elaine would be the first to tell you that anything she may have accomplished could not have been done without the support of her fellow club members.
PDG Juanita ‘Janie’ Garza
Past District 2-A2 Governor Lion Juanita “Janie” Garza was inducted into the District 2-A2, Herb C. Petry Jr. Hall of Fame in 2023.
Janie developed her unceasing desire to help others as a young child, when an examination and eyeglasses were provided her by Lions of her community. The desire was further enhanced when she accepted an invitation to become a Texas Lions camper. When she reached the appropriate time and circumstance, she imitated the role modeling of those Lions in 2004, and was sworn into membership of the La Vernia Lions Club. In her effort to expand Lionism, she worked on building a new club in her community, becoming a Charter Member of the Stockdale Lions Club in 2013, where she continues as a Member in Good Standing.
Lion Janie is a remarkable example of Lionistic service and has held offices in the La Vernia Lions Club and the Stockdale Lions Club.
She has performed various leadership and service roles in the District 2-A2 Zone.
Lion Janie also served on the District 2-A2 Lions Sight Research Foundation, Human Needs Board, KidSight Program, and the Children’s Services Program.
She has been a representative for Texas Lions Camp Council and a chair for Multiple District Vision within Multiple District 2, Texas, Council of Governors.
Past District 2-A2 Governor Janie continually demonstrates her passion for heeding Helen Keller’s invitation to the Lions to become “Knights of the Blind,” through her ongoing work and leadership in establishing and fostering programs in the prevention of vision impairment and blindness. Her dedication and knowledge in this arena has prompted State of Texas officials to call on her to advise other groups that wish to engage in these areas of service. Lion Janie led a close-knit team of Lion volunteers to establish the current successor to the District’s KidsSight Program, now known as the Children’s Services Program of District 2-A2.
Lion Janie’s dedication and service have been recognized with many Lions Club awards. Among these are Club Lion of the Year, District 2-A2 Lion of the Year, a Lions Sight Research Foundation Volunteer of the Year and Knight of the Blind Award recipient, numerous District Governor’s Certificates of Appreciation, Lions International Presidential Certificates of Appreciation, International Medal of Merit, the Lions International Presidential Certificate of Achievement, and the International President’s Leadership Medal. In addition to her many hours of service, Lion Janie serves as the primary caregiver to her mother and father. She also served the community in the wake of the Sutherland Springs church shooting in 2017.
Lion Past District 2-A2 Governor Janie Garza is considered one of the most outstanding Lions in District 2-A2.
District 2-A2, Herb C. Petry Jr. Hall of Fame Inductees – Lion Ken Book, SA Region 20; Past District 2-A2 Governor Juanita “Janie” Garza, Stockdale; and Lion Elaine Kolodziej, Floresville
Recipients of the International President Certificate of Appreciation – Lion Abel Martinez, SA Edgewood; Lion Nancy Hosek, Floresville; Lion Debbie Book, SA Region 20; and Lion Mary Ann Mays, La Vernia
Recipients of the International Leadership Medal – Lion Earnest Hamilton, SA Alamo City; Lion Dennis Jupe, Converse; Lion Joe Guerra, SA Edgewood; and Lion Bob Grubb, Converse
Recipients of the International Presidential Award – PDG Janie Garza, Stockdale and Lion Juanita Tijerina, SA First Ladies
District 2-A2 Lion of the Year – PDG Chris Lloyd.

Lion Elaine Kolodziej of the Floresville Lions Club is congratulated by her daughter, Lion Kristen Kolodziej Weaver, for her induction into the Herb C. Petry Jr. Hall of Fame April 15 in Kerrville.

Past District 2-A2 Governor Janie Garza, a member of the Stockdale Lions Club, receives her award as an inductee into the Herb C. Petry Jr. Hall of Fame April 15 in Kerrville. She is joined by International Director Ernesto “TJ” Tijerina, Governor Lion Steve Mays, and Past International Director M.P. “Mike” Butler.

Lion Nancy Hosek of the Floresville Lions Club is recognized with the International President Certificate of Appreciation April 15. She is joined by International Director Ernesto “TJ” Tijerina and District 2-A2 Governor Lion Steve Mays.

Lions Have a Heart to Serve Together!
On March 23, 2023, members of the Floresville Lions Club visited New Haven Assisted Living Center to hand out Easter goodies to all the residents.
Pictured is Veronica Valdez of New Haven helping Lions Anthony Weaver and Gloria Duron pass out the goodies to the residents.
If you have a heart for serving the elderly or want to be a part of serving in our local nursing homes, WE HAVE A PLACE FOR YOU! We would love to have you join us!
Please contact us and let us know how you would like to participate in our Lions Care service program and we will have a member contact you with more information. You don't need to be a member to serve with us.

Trash collection
Members of the Floresville Lions Club pile up the bags of trash they collected Sept. 16 along a stretch of F.M. 536 near Floresville. Assessing their work are Lions (l-r) Marcia Tesauro, Victor Wade, Sejal Patel, Richard Bray, Derek Gaudlitz, and Bonnie Sarik. Lion Oscar Saucedo also joined in the effort.

Lions help families get back to school
Floresville ISD coordinator of counseling and behavioral health sciences Heidi Camber (right) accepts school supply donations from Floresville Lion Marcia Tesauro. The generous contributions were collected during the Floresville Lions Club school supply drive Aug. 12 at the Floresville Community Market. The donations will be distributed to educators and students in need.
Floresville Lions serve through monthly projects in 2022
The Floresville Lions Club stays busy every month with small and large service projects around Floresville.
This October found the Lions decorating nursing home resident doors for fall; and November found them at the Floresville Community Market working with the area's children and getting them involved in Carnival for a Cause which helps feed those in need during the holidays. Free game tickets were given for canned goods brought or tickets could be purchased for a small fee. In just a few hours at the market, the Lions garnered 14 bags of canned goods that weighed about 175 pounds, along with $105 to be donated to the local food pantry.
Through Carnival for a Cause, the Lions brought the community together by inviting Floresville High Schools Texas Association of Future Educators, Foreign Exchange students and Sacred Heart students to help kids with painting and turning pumpkins into turkeys, face painting and running games. Tootsy the Clown twisted balloons into all sorts of things and gave her tips to the Lions Club, while new Judge-elect Jared Shaw pitched in and drove the kids around in the Lion's train. Thank you to all our volunteers. And thank you to HEB for sponsoring our many projects, especially the supplies for the kid's pumpkin turkey activity. It was certainly a fun time for all!
While the kids had fun, moms and dads started their Christmas shopping with the market vendors while listening to live music by local artist/singer Dan Fyffe and taking pictures with Fall photo props sponsored by our very own local business, Home on 3rd.
This past month, the Lions celebrated and recognized the Floresville ISD Students and Teacher of the month and gave a generous contribution to the Floresville High School Air Force JROTC program whose activities help shape cadets into productive, respectful citizens.
To finish the Holiday Season, the Lions will continue to work on their Care and Share project which collects canned goods for those in need; and during December we will add a winter clothing drive to assist those needing warm clothing for the cold months ahead . Canned goods and warm winter apparel may be dropped off at our drop boxes at the following three locations: The Floresville UPS Store, Top Hat Thriftique, or Jack's Cafe in Floresville. Warm winter apparel needs are: coats, jackets, sweaters, scarves, gloves, beanies, or socks for any age. All items should be new or gently used. We also need children's shoes from birth to 6 years. All items, whether food or apparel, may be dropped off at the three locations above or at the December 10th Floresville Community Market Lions tent, located at 1400 4th Street in downtown Floresville from 9 a.m. -- 2 p.m. Join us December 10th at the Community Market Lions tent for our Make and Take Toy Kit Experience donated by the Brooks City Base Home Depot. Free kits for the first 50 kids. Learn more about the Floresville Community Market: click here.
Throughout December, many Floresville area Nursing home residents will receive Christmas cards and blankets from the Floresville Lions Care and Share Program. If you would like to donate new blankets to our nursing home residents or would be interested in serving your community as a Lion, simply find a Lion in their gold vest or email us at info@FloresvilleLionsClub.org and ask us how you can join the fun!
This October found the Lions decorating nursing home resident doors for fall; and November found them at the Floresville Community Market working with the area's children and getting them involved in Carnival for a Cause which helps feed those in need during the holidays. Free game tickets were given for canned goods brought or tickets could be purchased for a small fee. In just a few hours at the market, the Lions garnered 14 bags of canned goods that weighed about 175 pounds, along with $105 to be donated to the local food pantry.
Through Carnival for a Cause, the Lions brought the community together by inviting Floresville High Schools Texas Association of Future Educators, Foreign Exchange students and Sacred Heart students to help kids with painting and turning pumpkins into turkeys, face painting and running games. Tootsy the Clown twisted balloons into all sorts of things and gave her tips to the Lions Club, while new Judge-elect Jared Shaw pitched in and drove the kids around in the Lion's train. Thank you to all our volunteers. And thank you to HEB for sponsoring our many projects, especially the supplies for the kid's pumpkin turkey activity. It was certainly a fun time for all!
While the kids had fun, moms and dads started their Christmas shopping with the market vendors while listening to live music by local artist/singer Dan Fyffe and taking pictures with Fall photo props sponsored by our very own local business, Home on 3rd.
This past month, the Lions celebrated and recognized the Floresville ISD Students and Teacher of the month and gave a generous contribution to the Floresville High School Air Force JROTC program whose activities help shape cadets into productive, respectful citizens.
To finish the Holiday Season, the Lions will continue to work on their Care and Share project which collects canned goods for those in need; and during December we will add a winter clothing drive to assist those needing warm clothing for the cold months ahead . Canned goods and warm winter apparel may be dropped off at our drop boxes at the following three locations: The Floresville UPS Store, Top Hat Thriftique, or Jack's Cafe in Floresville. Warm winter apparel needs are: coats, jackets, sweaters, scarves, gloves, beanies, or socks for any age. All items should be new or gently used. We also need children's shoes from birth to 6 years. All items, whether food or apparel, may be dropped off at the three locations above or at the December 10th Floresville Community Market Lions tent, located at 1400 4th Street in downtown Floresville from 9 a.m. -- 2 p.m. Join us December 10th at the Community Market Lions tent for our Make and Take Toy Kit Experience donated by the Brooks City Base Home Depot. Free kits for the first 50 kids. Learn more about the Floresville Community Market: click here.
Throughout December, many Floresville area Nursing home residents will receive Christmas cards and blankets from the Floresville Lions Care and Share Program. If you would like to donate new blankets to our nursing home residents or would be interested in serving your community as a Lion, simply find a Lion in their gold vest or email us at info@FloresvilleLionsClub.org and ask us how you can join the fun!
We Serve – Aug. 2022 Eye Screenings
The Floresville Lions Club screened 88 sets of eyes (for free) at the Floresville Community Market's Aug. 2022 Back-to-School Bash and gave out LOTS of ice cream as every eye screened participant was treated with ice cream donated by one of the Lion's members.
Of the 88 screened, 39 were adults and 49 were children. Of the 49 children, 12 were referred for to have a complete eye exam. This free service saved the community $4,400!
They also loaded up on lots of donated school supplies with the combined help of the Peanut Festival court during that time with their School Supply drive to benefit local families in need!
Learn how to donate eyeglasses, click here.
Learn how to donate eyeglasses, click here.